The Duchess

Just touched down in Orlando ready to celebrate the Heiress’s
birthday. The minute I stepped into the car I was overwhelmed by
this strong delightful aroma of coffee. I immediately inquired what is
that smell, and the Heiress just smiled.
Let’s just say the next morning would forever change the course of
my relationship with coffee, I officially became a coffee snob.
Awakened by that same aroma from the day before “The Mad Scientist”
our other name for the Heiress managed to stir up the most delicious
cup of coffee with limited supplies and equipment.
From that moment on I wanted to help my friend, one of the only
African American female roasters bring her product, vision and brand
to life; I am now known as the Duchess, the Creative Director/Partner
for Sage Marie’s Coffee & Tea.
I’m a creative spirit, a dedicated artist, with an enthusiastic approach
to life. I wake up and fall asleep with my laptop, I spend hours
researching trends, finding inspiration, creating mood boards and
filtering through thousands of color swatches. I love making things
visually appealing. I appreciate the creative process and art behind
everything. I combine these passions with my love of traveling, culture,
art and music to help with my creative sensibilities on every project
I take on.

Which leads to my trip to Cape Verde, where I discovered the most
exquisite beans grown from Fogo’s volcanic island, now known as 
Sage’s Fumada Blend. I had no idea what I as about to get into after
a long drive and climbing through the mountains of Cape Verde to
reach a coffee plant trying to secure these precious beans only to be
greeted by armed guards. After several attempts, 2 years later I
managed to get a personal escort from the Mayor of Mosterio to the
plant and let’s just say the rest is history.

I truly know what it takes to be a business owner and the sacrifices,
dedication and passion it takes to successfully run your own business.
It hasn't been a job for me; it's been my life along with my partner and
founder Mattie Finch "The Heiress." As we start the new year, I’m very
excited to continue creating and building with our talented team on new
products, campaigns and events we have lined up. Thank you to all
that have supported us over the years, have your mugs and teacups
ready we are stirring up and pouring out nothing but yumminess.                                 #TasteIsEverything